As someone who has survived cancer I find myself morbidly attracted to those who do not. I know what they're going through, I feel like it could have been me or could be again. Maybe it's the loss of the 'it won't happen to me' bone. Or maybe I just feel their pain. Whatever the case I am drawn in and saddened. Life feels chilled and crisp like a winter's morning when I read these things. They wake me up like ice water.
This week I have come across two.
The first is all pictures and no words. A photo essay by a man about losing his wife. Poignant in the faces it captures and also the ones that are hidden from camera.
The second is all words and one picture. A piece of prose by a man losing his father.
Each tackles the subject in such a different way yet each seems to take you on exactly the same journey through the thinning of human life to death.
Both are poignant, touching and very, very sad. Both are sadly, also, very real. I'm just grateful we have creative people to capture these moments as they slip away.